Daily Report for 1/21/2025

Governor's Actions

No legislation is Signed by Governor Today

New Legislation Introduced

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
SB 47CommitteePettyjohnThis Act establishes that State government offices are to close when a National Day of Mourning is declared due to the death of a current or former President. AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 1 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO A NATIONAL DAY OF MOURNING DUE TO THE DEATH OF A CURRENT OR FORMER PRESIDENT.
HCR 3PassedLambertThis Resolution reauthorizes the work of and extends the final report deadline for the Delaware Justice 40 Oversight Committee.EXTENDING THE WORK OF THE DELAWARE JUSTICE 40 OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE.
HB 9CommitteeK. WilliamsSection 4 of this Act requires a paid elected official or paid appointed official of this State or any political subdivision of this State (“official”) who is also employed by a state agency or a political subdivision of this State to disclose the dual employment to the Public Integrity Commission (“Commission”). This disclosure will assist the Commission and the State Auditor in evaluating if the official is receiving dual public compensation for coincident hours of work and requires the Commission to report to the official’s employer of any finding of dual compensation. Sections 1 through 3 of this Act make technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual, including by creating definitions to ensure consistent usage of terms and by redrafting existing law to use active voice to ensure clarity of duties and obligations of officials and state agencies or political subdivisions of this State that employ officials. Section 5 of this Act makes clear that an individual serving as an official on the effective date of this Act must disclose any dual employment within 15 days after the enactment of this Act. Section 6 of this Act provides that this Act takes effect 1 year after the Act’s enactment into law.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO GOVERNMENTAL COMPENSATION POLICY.
SA 2 to SB 43PassedMantzavinosThis amendment makes a technical correction to the definition of State HVACR License and adds the 2/3 vote requirement to the enactment clause that is noted in the bill’s synopsis.  

Legislation Passed By Senate

BillCurrent StatusSponsorSynopsisTitle
SB 11CommitteeTownsendThis Act is the second leg of a constitutional amendment to modernize the bail provisions within the Delaware Constitution and clarify the power of the General Assembly to enumerate certain felony offenses for which, or circumstances under which, pretrial release on bail may not be allowed. The first leg of this constitutional amendment was Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 11 of the 152nd General Assembly, published in Chapter 283 of Volume 84 of the Laws of Delaware. On passage of this second leg by this General Assembly this amendment will become part of the Delaware Constitution. The current constitutional provision providing that only “capital offenses” are potentially not bailable first appeared in its present form in the Delaware Constitution of 1792. At that time, “capital offenses” included many more offenses than the term does today. For example, manslaughter, rape, robbery, burglary, and assaults with weapons were capital offenses, and therefore included as crimes for which a court could order pretrial detention. Thus, over time, certain crimes that the Framers included as potentially not bailable are currently bailable. Presently, a Delaware state court judge cannot order preventive detention in any non-capital case. Instead, the judge can only attempt to set the bail so high that a defendant cannot make it, which means that any defendant, no matter how dangerous and no matter the circumstance, can obtain release if the defendant can fund the bail—even if that defendant poses a certain flight risk or a known threat of harm to the public or to a specific person, such as a witness or victim. This Act is one step toward completing a pretrial release-detention continuum requiring specific evidence-based detention decisions that seek to maximize public safety while minimizing pretrial detention for those for whom detention is not required. Specifically, this Act will do all of the following: (1) Retain the express declaration of a general right to have bail set in a criminal case. (2) Provide that the crimes for which bail may be withheld are capital murder, where the evidentiary proof is positive or presumption of the accusation great, and other specifically identified felony offenses determined by and under procedures prescribed by law where the evidentiary proof is positive or presumption of the accusation great. (3) Ensure that an additional condition precedent to bail being withheld in non-capital cases is a finding by clear and convincing evidence that no condition or combination of conditions of release will reasonably assure the person’s appearance at court proceedings, reasonably assure the protection of the community, victims, witnesses, or any other person, and reasonably maintain the integrity of the judicial process, such that the defendant will not obstruct or attempt to obstruct justice. With the adoption of this Act, Delaware can progress toward the type of modern bail system that has been increasingly adopted by our sister states through amendment of their state constitutions, when needed, and the development of statutory procedures that provide, in appropriate cases, pre-trial detention without bail. And this Act does so by adopting the standards recommended by authoritative sources including the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Uniform Law Commission, the National Center for State Courts, the American Bar Association, and the numerous state legislatures and court systems that have studied pretrial detention and retained or incorporated them in their own state constitutions and laws. This Act, by itself, would not allow that a person charged with a non-capital crime could be held without bail. Rather, no person could be subject to a preventive detention hearing in a non-capital case until the General Assembly revises Chapter 21 of Title 11 of the Delaware Code to prescribe by law the specific felony offenses, circumstances, and procedures under which detention without bail may occur. The General Assembly has made the necessary revisions to Chapter 21 of Title 11 through the adoption of Senate Bill No. 12 of the 152nd General Assembly, published as Chapter 473 of Volume 84 of the Laws of Delaware, which was enacted on September 30, 2024, and will take effect 6 months after the enactment of this Act. This Act requires a greater than majority vote for passage because § 1 of Article XVI of the Delaware Constitution requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the General Assembly when the General Assembly amends the Delaware Constitution.AN ACT CONCURRING IN A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE I OF THE DELAWARE CONSTITUTION RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEDURES.
SB 42 w/ SA 1SignedParadeeAfter enactment of Senate Substitute No. 1 to Senate Bill No. 174 of the 152nd General Assembly (Chapter 446 of Volume 84 of the Laws of Delaware), it was discovered that Senate Substitute No. 1 to Senate Bill No. 174 would, if implemented, jeopardize the qualified federal tax status of the Delaware Public Employees Retirement System by giving individuals who are Justices of the Peace, Commissioners of the Superior Court, Family Court, and Court of Common Pleas (“Commissioners”), and Magistrates in Chancery (“Magistrates”), as of the effective date, an election to participate in the Judicial Pension Plan at a different rate of pre-tax contribution than presently required for those individuals under the State Employees’ Pension Plan (3% or 5%, depending on start date). Based on this information, the Board of Pension Trustees voted unanimously on December 10, 2024, to delay implementation of Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 174. This Act does the following: (1) Revises § 5601 and 5605 of Title 29 to allow for Justices of the Peace, Commissioners, and Magistrates who first qualify for the State Judicial Pension Plan on the effective date of this Act to elect to remain in the State Employees’ Pension Plan or participate in the State Judicial Pension Plan at the same pre-tax rate each individual was contributing under the State Employees’ Pension Plan (3% or 5%). (2) Sets the mandatory pre-tax contribution rate of any subsequently appointed State judicial officer at 5%. Any Justice of the Peace, Commissioner, or Magistrate as of the effective date who is appointed to a new position within the state judiciary after the effective date of this Act will also be subject to the mandatory 5% contribution rate. (3) Delays the effective date of Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 174 until January 26, 2025, the effective date of this Act.AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE AND CHAPTER 446 OF VOLUME 84 OF THE LAWS OF DELAWARE RELATING TO PENSIONS FOR THE STATE JUDICIARY.
HCR 2PassedK. WilliamsThe Public Education Funding Commission was first established under Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 201 of the 152nd General Assembly. This Concurrent Resolution re-establishes the Commission to continue its comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes. The Commission will issue its first recommendations by October 1, 2025, and its final recommendations by July 1, 2026.RE-ESTABLISHING THE PUBLIC EDUCATION FUNDING COMMISSION.
SA 1 to SB 42PassedParadeeThis Amendment changes the effective date of this Act and Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 174 (152nd General Assembly) to February 9, 2025. 

Legislation Passed By House of Representatives

No Legislation Passed By House

Senate Committee Assignments

Elections & Government Affairs

House Committee Assignments


Senate Committee Report

No Senate Committee Report

House Committee Report

No House Committee Report

Senate Defeated Legislation

No Senate Defeated Legislation

House Defeated Legislation

No House Defeated Legislation

Nominations Enacted upon by the Senate

Benson, James A.ConfirmedAdjutant General of the Delaware National GuardNew
Bushweller, Joshua A.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland SecurityNew
Clifton, William DonaldConfirmedSecretary of the Department of AgricultureNew
Gordon, T. Yvonne A.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of Human ResourcesNew
Hastings, Shanté A.ConfirmedSecretary of the Delaware Department of TransportationNew
Heckles, Matthew J.ConfirmedDirector of the Delaware State Housing AuthorityNew
Lane, Gregory A.ConfirmedChief Information Office of the Department of Technology and InformationNew
Manning, Josette D.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of Health and Social ServicesNew
Marten, Cynthia M.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of EducationNew
Maxwell, James BrianConfirmedDirector of the Office of Management and BudgetNew
Moultrie, LaKresha R.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of LaborNew
Patibanda-Sanchez, Charuni P.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of StateNew
Patterson, Gregory B.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental ControlNew
Smith, Michael R.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of FinanceNew
Taylor, Terra R.ConfirmedCommissioner of the Department of CorrectionNew
Yeatman, Steven E.ConfirmedSecretary of the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their FamiliesNew