Registrar Of Regulations
The Office of the Registrar of Regulations is a section of the Division of Research. The Office is the official repository for all administrative regulations for the State of Delaware. The Office is responsible for publishing the monthly
Delaware Register of Regulations and the
Delaware Administrative Code.
The Register of Regulations is an official State publication and is published on the first day of each month throughout the year. The Register is a compilation of all regulatory changes occurring in a given month. Administrative regulations have the force and effect of law. The Register of Regulations provides a single location where people may find emergency, proposed, amended, and final regulations.
The Administrative Code is a topically-oriented compilation of all regulations in effect and is the official version of the regulations for the State of Delaware.
The Register may also contain other useful government information, including listings of hearings and meetings held by various state agencies, boards, and commissions.
Copies of the Delaware Register of Regulations are available both online and in print. The online versions are provided in html, as individual regulations, and in a PDF version, which is certified as authenticated. To obtain a hardcopy version of the Register, please call toll-free 1-800-282-8545 (in-state only) or 302-744-4114.
The Office of the Registrar of Regulations also publishes various electronic documents that conform to accepted standards regarding authenticated digital content and comply with the requirements of the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, adopted in Delaware in 2014. These include the Delaware Constitution, the Delaware Code, and the Laws of Delaware.
For additional information about the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, please visit the Delaware Regulations website.
Yvette Smallwood - Registrar of Regulations
Erika Schrader - Assistant Registrar of Regulations
Leanne Voshell – Legal Publications Editor
Natalie White – Legal Publications Editor